When Adam and Eve missed their big chance for heaven on earth by agreeing with the enemy’s lie, they gave the keys to satan, allowing him to be the prince of this earth. Every terrible evil since then is straight from him, allowed by ‘us’ back in the garden. And ever since then, the plan was for Jesus to bring sweet redemption by the cross and shift the rule of the earth. When Christ died on the cross, he went to hell with the weight of all sin upon Him, and took back the keys to the authority rule on earth that satan had been holding. Jesus rose from the dead, conquering death, and brought the keys with Him! Ha! All authority and power was on him. Then he did something crazy. He gave the keys to us…again! He’s giving us another chance. What are we supposed to do with the keys? We are responsible for this earth. We are here to destroy the works of the enemy and bring the Kingdom of God here on earth. It’s our job now. Jesus gave it to us at His ascension. That terrible evil that we see all around…our job. Christ did His job. He made us blameless, healed us completely, and has given us full authority and power to rule. It’s our job now, to do for the earth what Jesus Christ died for us to do. The church is growing, changing, transforming. We will become that blameless bride, blessing the world beyond imagination, awaiting the return of her King.