Process. Something many people often hold little value for. We have places in life we want to be…out of debt, married, have children, good friendships, own a house, have a great job, walking in our destiny.
We all get fast tracks here or there. Some have their dream job but long for a spouse, while others are married but are waiting and going through years of infertility with longings in their hearts to have children….
And when someone else has the fast track we want, we get jealous. The fact is, you have had the fast track to one or two breakthroughs someone else longs for. The more years of life I go through, the more I realize, if it is not one process it’s another.
What we are doing or have done matters less than who we are. God cares so much about our character. Often we wait because we are becoming. He has good gift after good gift. We will miss them along the way if we don’t recognize each of them and give thanks to Him constantly. And more good is on the way! But sometimes we will need to wait. Often we wait. It WILL come. The bonus is what He’s doing in you while you wait. The funny thing is, it’s probably in direct answer to your deepest prayers.
I think God’s favorite part about process and who we are becoming is the connection He has with us in the midst of it. He loves to communicate with us; listen to our hearts and speak to us, drawing close. Close to Him, that is my favorite.
When you are waiting, it’s not a matter of ‘if’ but ‘when’. So rejoice and be found thankful now. It’s coming. And it’s going to be so good.