Prophetic people love to hear God’s voice. They are constantly watching for ways He is speaking to them. It’s beautiful as they are so ready to receive from Him. One of the ways they will hear from him is by noticing little signs around them of the Lord speaking to them. They might see the clock say 5:55, a certain bird flies by that they haven’t seen before, multiple good things happen in their life, or something happening in their life in a set of three. They will receive more from Him as they are looking for Him with expectancy.
I’ve also noticed that prophetic people can tend to put value on a negative sign, as well. For instance, last year had some hard things in it for me and my family. If I take that as an entire bad year, I’m declaring something over my life and my family’s life that won’t help. I’m making it too personal, when really, bad things just happen sometimes in a non-perfect world. Similarly, if you see a flock of vultures nearby and wonder what will be “eaten up,” or you see the numbers 666 somewhere. Don’t spend time agreeing with the enemy’s bait to think bad things are happening.
When we see negative things in our lives as a sign that we give weight to, we are listening to the wrong voice. When we give merit to the negative things that happen in or around our lives meaning calamity or destruction to us, it’s called superstition. Superstition is prophetically listening to the wrong voice. That, when you think about it and declare it, is like prophesying it. Don’t breathe life on what the enemy is trying to do.
Superstition is based in fear. What are you afraid of? Face it and deal with it.
The only signs I want to spend any time on are the ones from Him, the ones that encourage, bring hope and life, and correct me so sweetly. The best way to tell if you are going with a sign as from the enemy is if it brings fear into you. If you become afraid of something, that’s a good indicator that you are listening to the wrong voice. His voice is good, guiding, and encouraging. Ask God what He is doing and don’t let the enemy distract you with what he’s trying to do. He’s a waste of time. What God is doing is always good and always for you and for your family.
I’d love to hear if you have any examples of this happening in your own life.