What is it with us and being corrected? We dislike it so much we do whatever we can to avoid it…from blaming it on others or our circumstances to giving “reasons” why. (Totally talking to myself. Maybe if I post this it will really sink in!)
I’ve been listening to the Gospels on CD. They are coming alive more than ever right now. I was thinking about how in Luke 22:36, Jesus told them to sell things to buy a sword. It was time for that. Then in Luke 22:51, still the same chapter, Jesus is betrayed with the kiss and Peter thinks, “This must be where the sword comes in!” and cuts off the guard’s ear. Jesus tells Peter, “No more of this!” and heals the man’s ear. I suppose Peter’s best response could be one of not taking it personal. He thought one way, but was wrong. That’s ok, now he knows. And that’s it. No regret. No reliving his choice. No wondering what Jesus thought of him now that he had done such a thing. Nope, Jesus knew who Peter was and who he would be, regardless of his bad choice. It didn’t affect his future in any way.
Since Christ paid for it all anyways, and what He thinks is the only thought that matters, correct away! We’ll only gain from it. We can be thankful for all the people who care enough and consider us worth that investment.
“…The Lord disciplines those He loves, as a father the son he delights in.” Proverbs 3:12
The Father corrects those He calls his children. If He didn’t love us, He wouldn’t bother.
And if you don’t get corrected once in a while by someone, you can check to see if you need deeper relationships around you, people who are investing in you and you in them.